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Norm Abram

Master Carpenter

Norm Abram
Anthony Tieuli

高级木匠的This Old House由于该系列1979年首映,和主机The New Yankee Workshop因为十年后的首演,规范亚伯兰激发了数以百万计的房主改造和恢复家园。HomeHome在全国范围内视为终极家装大师,每个人都希望规范就住在隔壁。HomeHome

这个木匠出身的名人是由创作者拉塞尔·莫雷什,谁曾委托他建立在拉斯的波士顿郊区物业的谷仓“发现”。Russ was so impressed with Norm’s work (he had the smallest scrap pile Russ had ever seen) that he invited the carpenter to help with the renovation of a rundown Victorian house in Boston’s historic Dorchester section—with a WGBH camera crew recording the process for a series. It was an instant success, and Norm has been master carpenter forThis Old Houseever since.

钦佩他的随和态度和常识性的方法来改造,规范是一个不妥协的旧世界的工匠和谁搜索出新的建筑产品和方法的先驱。他在全国各地和贸易展亮相今天,大卫深夜秀,奥普拉!今夜娱乐Good Morning Americaare extremely popular. His likeness, complete with a trademark plaid shirt, has been featured onHome Improvement, Saturday Night Live, Steven Spielberg’s Freakazoid和in nationally syndicated cartoons.

Norm has authored eight companion books, includingAsk Norm, The New Yankee Workshop, Classics From The New Yankee Workshop, Mostly Shaker From The New Yankee Workshop, Outdoor Projects From The New Yankee Workshop, Norm Abram’s New House, Measure Twice, Cut Once, and, The New Yankee Workshop Kids’ Stuff,全部由小布朗公司出版。他还促成了完整的重塑和完整的景观,无论是在2004年出版的规范由老房子书籍连同日落书担任编委会This Old Housemagazine, published by This Old House, LLC., also authoring the popular column,Norm’s Tricks of the Trade.

Born in Rhode Island, Norm was exposed to the carpentry trade by his carpenter father as a young child. Norm continued to refine his skills working by his father’s side remodeling and building custom homes through high school and college vacations. He attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he studied mechanical engineering and business administration. In 1976, after three years as a site supervisor for a New England-based, multimillion-dollar construction firm, he founded Integrated Structures, Inc., a general contracting company he operated until 1989. The main focus of the company was house renovations and additions, with the occasional new home or commercial project.

Norm is also on the board of trustees of Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, and had the privilege of giving the 2001 commencement speech at The North Bennet Street School in Boston, which is renowned for its commitment to teaching craftsmanship.
