Although they look nasty and may nibble on your garden plants or pantry foods, earwigs won’t hurt you; they’re mostly just a nuisance. These are solitary insects, so large infestations are rare, but even a handful of earwigs is understandably unwelcome to most homeowners.

我们将向您展示如何使用驱虫剂,陷阱和杀虫剂来摆脱耳杀,然后共享一些预防策略,以防止它们返回。我们还将为best pest control companiesto kill off an earwig infestation.

What Are Earwigs?

Earwigs are an order of winged insects with characteristic pincers or forceps on the end of their abdomens. The most common species in North America is calledforficula auricularia; these are known as common earwigs or pincher bugs. They are reddish brown and about half an inch (12–15 mm) long.

As omnivores, earwigs eat whatever organic material they can scavenge, anything from leaf litter to small insects. Earwigs rarely bite, though if you pick one up and handle it, it may try to pinch you. However, earwigs have no venom, and their pinch shouldn’t break the skin.

What Causes an Earwig Infestation?

Outdoors, your yard may provide a substantial food source for these insects, and in large numbers they can be destructive garden pests. Earwigs are active at night, so they spend the daylight hours in hiding places like wood piles, mulch, and crevices in rocks. If your lawn has a lot of these features, plus plenty of plant debris and small insects to snack on, it’s ideal for an earwig infestation.


DIY Methods to Get Rid of Earwigs

In some circumstances, earwigs can actually be beneficial to your garden since they eat aphids. However, if they become destructive to your plants, or if they infest your home, try the following methods to get rid of them.

How to Repel Earwigs


  • Rake up fallen leaves and other dead plant matter, including fallen fruit.
  • 修剪死亡的任何叶子或树枝。
  • Move wood piles away from your garden and the sides of your home.
  • 清理排水沟,尤其是当它们到处都是死树叶时。



If you want a long-term solution, you can always make your yard or garden more bird-friendly. Birds are a natural predator of earwigs and other pests, and they can beautify your yard at the same time. Adding bird baths, birdhouses, or bird feeders will attract nearby birds.

How to Kill Earwigs

The main methods of killing earwigs are insecticides, traps, and其他侯sehold materials.


An effective insecticide should contain sevin, malathion, or pyrethrins, but if you’re using it indoors, make certain the labeling of the package says it’s safe to do so. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and if you’re using it on or around plants, make sure to test a small amount of it on a single leaf first.


To be effective, insecticide needs to come in contact with each earwig, and it can be hard to find them all, so you might also consider making an earwig trap. There are several methods you can use.

  • Get a cardboard tube or roll up some newspaper and dampen it. This will be an appealing hiding place that should attract earwigs.
  • 将等量的植物油和酱油混合在罐头中,并将其留在您怀疑Earwig活动的地方。您也可以将其埋在户外的地面上。据说,耳长被酱油的气味吸引了,但植物油将阻止它们从陷阱中爬出。
  • 耳鼻喉科是夜间活动的,并吸引了明亮的光线,因此您可以在任何这些陷阱附近放一个夜灯以提高其效果。
  • When you find live earwigs in your traps, dump them into a bucket of soapy water to kill them.

Natural Methods



Once you’ve gotten rid of the infestation, take some time to fortify your home and yard against a future earwig problem. Follow the instructions for repelling earwigs if you haven’t already, and seal up potential entry points like holes in screens, around vents and pipes, and near wires.

Patch up any cracks in the foundation or walls of your home with caulk. Move mulch or overgrown vegetation away from the sides of your home, creating a “moat” of dry, bare soil that earwigs are less likely to cross.

Indoors, fix leaky pipes or drains to prevent areas of moisture building up, and use a dehumidifier in damp, poorly-ventilated spaces. Check around windows and doors for any cracks where earwigs might be able to sneak in and patch them.

When to Call in the Pros

Since earwigs aren’t dangerous to your health, you can certainly start by trying to get rid of them yourself. However, if DIY methods fail, you can always call a pest control company. Professional technicians will have the right products, equipment, and training to kill earwigs in even the smallest hiding places. They can also help identify and seal potential insect entry points into your home.




Terminix is a nationwide pest control company that offers earwig extermination as part of its general insect control services. The company’s technicians can perform a free inspection to see if there are earwigs hiding on your property. To schedule your inspection or receive a free estimate for treatment, call866-569-4035or fill out快速表格.


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Lastly, Bulwark is available in only select urban areas across the country, but it makes our list for its exceptional customer service. Bulwark’s technicians are prepared to treat earwig infestations as well as offer prevention strategies. To find out more, fill out这个简单的形式or call844-567-2094.

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