您的加热,通风和冷却(HVAC)系统是您家中最重要的系统之一,在一年中的所有季节中都可以舒适。HomeHome当HVAC失败时,必要的维修可能会昂贵,尤其是如果您没有HomeHome家庭保修to cover expensive repairs or replacements. Before getting quotes for the cost of your HVAC installation, you’ll want to know what price ranges to expect.

We created this comprehensive guide to HVAC replacement costs for the three most common heating and cooling systems: air conditioners, furnace heaters, and heat pumps. Keep reading to learn more about each system and how much you should expect to pay for a new one.




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典型的成本范围:$ 2,500 - $ 8,000


A home high energy efficient furnace in a basement

总数炉安装成本can range from around $1,000–$6,000.




HVAC Installation Cost by Type

To understand what goes into your HVAC’s replacement cost, you’ll need to know what type of installation you need. HVAC is a broad term that can represent multiple systems in your home that work together to heat or cool your living space.



类型 费用(包括安装)
Portable AC $ 100– $ 500*
窗户交流单元 $ 150– $ 800 **
无管迷你切片 $600–$20,000
中央交流 $ 1,500– $ 4,000

*No installation required.


空调对于在夏季保持房屋舒适至关重要。不幸的是,大多数交流电单元在最热的天气中破裂,因为您的系统运行最强。一个空调通常费用$ 3,880– $ 7,910包括安装,除非您购买低成本的窗户单元以冷却一个较小的房间。*此价格会根据系统类型以及是否需要安装或更换管道功能而大大波动。

Here are more details about the most common air conditioning units.

  • 中央空调($1,500–$4,000):这些是一些最常见的空调。他们将空气从房屋内部拉动,并将其压缩在室外冷凝单元中。这种气体通过线圈传播并变成热液体,然后转移到蒸发器线圈。在那里,它变成了凉爽的蒸发气体,并在整个房屋的管道中循环。HomeHome
  • 无管迷你切片air conditioners ($600–$20,000):Intended for smaller spaces, such as apartments,拆分ACS成本大致与中央单元相同。他们将由压缩机和冷凝器组成的室外单元连接到一个或多个室内单元。bob体育app苹果下载室内单元安装在墙上,并使用风向器。室内和室外设备通过管道连接。制冷剂根据使用类型以不同的方式循环所有单位。价格可以迅速加起来,具体取决于区域的数量,BTU尺寸,先知评级和品牌。
  • 便携式空调($ 100– $ 500):这些单元是单个独立的单元,其所有组件都包含在里面。他们的设计使您可以轻松地移动它们,并使用带有空气从房间内部并在户外释放的软管。一些单元使用双管,使用一个软管从室外拉动空气。该空气冷却压缩机,然后从其他软管室外释放。
  • 窗户空调($ 150– $ 800):These operate like central air conditioners, but they pull air from outside, cool it, then blow it through fans into the room where the unit is placed. These units are smaller and weaker than central AC units but can cool up to around 1,500 square feet with the correct size.

*通过Angi和Home Guide的价格HomeHome。

Furnace Costs

类型 成本(包括安装)
Electric $ 2,000– $ 7,000
Natural gas $ 3,800– $ 10,000
$ 6,750– $ 10,000

炉子是最常见的加热系统类型,并且通过迫使空气穿过房屋的管道和通风孔加热房屋,并使用。HomeHome炉子与您的空调分开,但通常使用相同的管道进行循环和通风。总数炉安装成本can range from $2,000$ 10,000,具体取决于类型。

Jim Fuson, owner of21世纪的房屋检查HomeHome, says the region where you live should be your main consideration when determining which heating system to get. “Further south, we see a lot of heat pumps, which is an all-electrical system. They don’t perform very well as you move further north in latitude, so you’ll see a lot of gas furnaces still up there.”

Here are more details about the three common types of furnaces:

  • 电炉($ 2,000 - $ 7,000):该加热器的效率不如其他选择效率,但对环境的效率更好。电炉的寿命长达30年,更易于维护,并且比天然气或油炉便宜。但是,与燃气炉相比,它们可以明显增加您的每月能源费用。
  • Natural gas furnace($ 3,800– $ 10,000):Natural gas furnaces are the most common and will likely be recommended by your HVAC professional if you need replacement. They operate by forcing hot air into your home’s ducts after heating it with the fire from a gas-fueled furnace.
  • 油炉($ 6,750– $ 10,000):尽管不如燃气炉流行,但如果您的房屋与天然气连接,则可能需要油炉。HomeHome油炉的运行方式与燃气炉相似,但由于高油价而运行可能更昂贵。bob体育app苹果下载

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Heat Pump Costs

类型 成本(包括安装)
无管迷你切片 $ 2,000– $ 14,500
双燃料(混合) $2,500–$10,000
燃气 $ 3,800– $ 10,000
Air-source $4,500–$8,000
地热 $ 6,000- $ 20,000

Although most homes have split heating and cooling units, high-efficiency hybrid options, such as heat pumps, do all the work in one unit.Heat pumps costbob体育app苹果下载比其他HVAC单元多,范围为2,000美元$ 20,000,包括安装。

Here are more details about each common type of heat pump:

  • Air-source($ 4,500– $ 8,000):空气源热泵是最常见的。它们通过从家里外面拉出空气来吸收热能。HomeHome他们将热量压缩到热空气中,并在寒冷的月份将其发送到房屋的管道中。HomeHome他们还可以将热空气变成凉爽的空气,并在温暖的月份将其循环通过房屋。HomeHome
  • 地热($6,000–$20,000):Also known as ground-source heat pumps, these are typically the most expensive HVAC systems to install since they use temperatures from the ground to heat or cool your home. They also require extensive labor and underground digging to place the piping.
  • 无管迷你切片($2,000–$14,500):这种热泵不是通过管道循环热或凉爽的空气,而是在整个房屋的各个房间中放置多个较小的单元。对于目前尚未安装管道的房屋或想要避免安装新管HomeHome道成本的人来说,这可能是理想的选择。
  • 双燃料($ 2,500– $ 10,000):These HVAC units combine standard heating and cooling systems with the efficiency of an air-source heat pump. If you live in a colder area, this option could allow your home to receive the warmth it needs through a furnace heater that kicks in when the outside temperature is too cold for the heat pump to work on its own.
  • 燃气($3,800–$10,000):These heat pumps are common for commercial buildings and homes larger than 4,000 square feet. They’re similar to air-source heat pumps but use natural gas rather than electricity.

Factors That Affect HVAC Replacement Cost

Several factors affect the cost of HVAC installation and replacement. Here are the key things to know.

  • 类型:空调,炉子或热泵的安装成本将取决于您选择的类型。例如,而窗户交流单元只需花费几百美元and can be installed yourself, a geothermal heat pump can cost tens of thousands of dollars for the unit and installation. Before calling your professional HVAC installation company, determine which type of system fits in your budget.
  • 尺寸:HVAC系统的大小通过英国热单元(BTU)来衡量,该单元测量了一个小时内调节房屋中空气所需的能量量。HomeHome您拥有的bob体育app苹果下载平方英尺越多,HVAC系统所需的BTU就越冷却整个房屋。HomeHome
  • 效率评级:根据美国能源部(DOE)与30至40年前的较旧系统相比,市场上当前的AC单元可以为房主节省30%–50%的能源费用。HomeHome季节性能效比(SEER)评级较高的空调和较高加热季节性绩效比(HSPF)评级的加热器可以长期节省您的资金,但它们通常具有更高的价格。
  • Ductwork:如果您需要管道维修或更换,则HVAC系统的总安装成本将比您的管道不需要任何关注。此外,升级单元可能需要替换管道工程,因为某些更高效率的加热或冷却单元仅与某些管道兼容。

In some cases, you may not need to replace your HVAC unit. Most HVAC units can last 1520年,因此,如果您对加热或冷却系统遇到问题,但它不那么古老,请考虑雇用承包商在完全更换该系统之前帮助修复系统。

花点时间了解HVAC系统的所有部分。” Fuson说。“ [您的HVAC]每天24小时全年运行,无论是加热还是冷却。”他建议您每年或至少每隔几年为您的HVAC提供服务,以防止问题并最大化您的HVAC系统的寿命。

Enter your ZIP code into the tool below to get started with estimates from local HVAC repair professionals near you:

典型的成本范围:$ 2,500 - $ 8,000



普通维修 Average Cost
TXV/TEV $ 100– $ 500
Circuit board $ 100– $ 600
风扇电机 $ 200– $ 700
Evaporator coil $ 400– $ 1,000
Condenser coil $ 500– $ 1,500
Ductwork $ 500– $ 2,000
Compressor $ 750– $ 2,000
Furnace $2,600–$6,200

常问问题About HVAC Systems
